ტყეების მეფე
Bakur Sulakauri Publishing 2013
240 pages
ISBN: 978994115879


This is the latest novel by Dato Turashvili, the all-time bestselling author in Georgia. The book tells us the story of Georgia's most powerful king, David IV the Builder. After King George II abdicated, sixteen year-old David was crowned king and became responsible for the whole country, which had been destroyed by the Seljuk Empire. His main aim was to build a new country which would be free and strong in economic, military, diplomatic and cultural spheres. But such details are to be found in academic history books... In this novel the writer introduces us to a mix of urban legends and historical facts, and that is what makes the story both beautiful and fantastic. King David IV is presented as just an ordinary adult, but one who gained power and became responsible for everything.

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