თამაში რევოლვერით
Playing with a Revolver
Collection of short stories
Sulakauri Publishing 2008
176 pages
ISBN - 13:978-99941-403-35-4


“I read the book in one breath. I laughed out loud and cried, I was very afraid and thought about many things. "Playing with Revolver" is a strange book that you should not underestimate. I thought nobody was better than the author to let talk about his book and I asked him: "Gigi, what is the story of this Playing with a Revolver? "Material tells about the story itself. Here is the story of the quarter. What can a guy do in one day? On that day, he's not in a good mood, he can’t stand himself. This is the position of the man in Tbilisi, the young man who has the intellect, has friends, has a mother and who is hard to get this life because such people or people who think about it, think it is hard to get it. During the day you find many things - and the harbor is nowhere to be found, neither with friends nor with women nor anywhere. His little monologue in bed is exactly the same - he couldn't find the rest for the soul even though he was a very young man. I wrote this story inspired by Baratashvili', but it is absolutely real. The epochs are brutally changed. Baratashvili also couldn’t find rest of soul, all his poems are about search for this peace. I have tried to help my hero in search of peace in the story but I could not ... / Ana Kordzaia-Samadashvili /

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