
Professional seminars for Georgian, Ukrainian and Armenian publishers, copyright managers and book-designers of the book sector are being held in Tbilisi. The regional training for 25 representatives of publishing sector is implemented within the joint project of GNBC, The ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, FBF and Goethe Institute in Georgia.

During the seminars the participants will gain the in-depth information concerning the challenges, innovations and international standards in this field. The courses are focused on the strategy implementation in order to improve the publishing market successfully based on international examples discussed as the following: various types of the new editions’ promotion, development of E-books publishing in the region and many other issues.

In intensive five-day workshop modules participants will have the opportunity to put theory into practice and work on concepts, allowing them to take home a specific action plan for their publishing house. The seminars will be led by highly qualified German experts and the managers of leading German publishing houses.