ქანაანის შვილები
Intelekti Publishing 2017 
450 pages
ISBN: 9789941470325 



The Sons of Canaan is a kaleidoscopic novel, a world atlas which provides stories of people of very different origin and beliefs, but eventually the seemingly disconnected puzzle pieces fall into place to make a highly involving narrative. Just like the children of Canaan, the characters of the novel come from different parts of the world, bringing along their religions and traditions. As readers get to know them, they witness the destruction of love by brutal power, as well as follow the fate of small nations within empires, of those living under the dictatorship of larger nations. And ultimately, one starts to think about the ways of fighting fanaticism which, in its turn, always opposes education. Noah, Juma, Fatima, Saleh and Ismail are the main characters of the novel but the readers will easily recognize the prototypes they represent. And once again, one begins to realize the threats the modern world faces today. Is it possible for a Christian, Muslim, pagan and Buddhist to live in harmony on this little planet? Are there any ways of averting human tragedies and peacefully await the ship – a kind of Noah’s Ark, the symbol of freedom – to take them to a new world and new discoveries?

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