ხელნაკეთი ზღაპრები
Children's book
Saunje Publishing 2013 
64 pages 
ISBN: 9789941442254


The book contains 12 stories. The illustrations are handmade. That is the reason it is called Handmade stories. The artist Iveta Chkhikvadze made the characters of the stories using different materials – she used cardboard, cloth, colorful paper, threads, buttons, shells etc. Within the book there are also the photos of all the objects from which the illustrations were made. Thus, except the fact that children can read the stories and have the chance to get to know the characters, they can also easily create similar characters.
The children will have the opportunity to meet snail called Keramucha, will travel in the world of the sea, will drop in at the pastry shop, will meet robots, will also meet dinosaurs named Pichiko and Taplia, also white bear, rhinoceros named Lonely and will learn about their marvelous adventures.

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